Hemorrhoid Excision

Haemorrhoids, also known as piles are swollen blood vessels that develop outside (external piles) and/or inside (internal piles) the anus. They can cause acute discomfort and pain and may have to be removed surgically. This procedure is known as haemorrhoidectomy.
Sometimes these haemorrhoids are also treated using special Rubber Bands (see next section). After examination, Dr El-Khoury will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you. This treatment is undertaken under spinal, general, or epidural anaesthetic.

How does the procedure work?

The surgeon will make an elliptic incision over the haemorrhoid, and will take out the entire diseased haemorrhoid in one piece. The treated site can be left apart, or he may elect to put sutures on it. Suturing down in this area is often avoided to avoid complications, but as there is a rich network of vascular veins in the anal tissue, it ensures rapid healing.

Follow-up is necessary about six weeks after the procedure. This procedure usually has few errors, complications, or problems, but there are some possibilities depending upon the circumstances. Generally, the benefits of the procedure far outweigh any potential downsides of getting this procedure. The pain due to haemorrhoids is acute, and it’s great to be able to get complete relief in a clean, and short surgical procedure.
The main benefit of a haemorrhoidectomy is the relief from bleeding, pain, itching, and mucus discharge.

Before your operation

If you are having a colonoscopy at the time as thesurgery to the haemorrhoids, you will not need any special preparation.
If you are having the treatment to the haemorrhoids alone, you will need a Fleet Enema one hour before surgery. The nurse at the hospital will arrange that after consulting with Dr El-Khoury.

On the Day of Surgery

Depending upon the size of your haemorrhoids, the procedure may be carried out as a day surgery, but sometimes overnight stay is also recommended.

Following your Operation

Once the operation is over, you will be shifted to a ward where your condition will be continuously monitored by nurses. Follow the instructions of the Dr El-Khoury, you are likely to be prescribed a low dose antibiotics, aperients, pain relief and Sitz bathing. You MUST avoid constipation.

Dr El-Khoury will discuss the operation detailing the indications, the risks and the benefits of the surgery and will also supplement his discussions with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons information on the surgery.